Shipping & Delivery
Your products are shipped from our warehouse in New South Wales. Our standard shipping option costs $4.95 and delivers in 2-8 business days for most metro and inner-regional postcodes, excluding WA, NT & Tasmania. Once it is sent you will be notified via email with a tracking number.
Delivery Method |
Cost |
Timeframes |
Standard |
$4.95 |
2-8 business days |
Express |
$9.95 | 1-4 business days |
Please note delivery timeframes are a guide, it may take a little longer during peak periods, weather events or other postal service delivery issues that are outside of our control.
You will receive an email with your tracking information once your order has been processed. If you are unable to locate your tracking number, or if you have any questions about your order please contact us or phone 1800 316 363 between 9am and 2PM AEST, Monday - Friday.
Lost or Damaged Goods
If your order is lost or damaged in transit, please contact us or phone 1800 316 363 between 9am and 2PM AEST, Monday - Friday.